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I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
An empowered and happy society
Work to build resilient communities and work in partnerships with other CSOs, government and the private sector in Ghana and globally to influence inclusive development

Our work is guided by the following core values:
ACCOUNTABILITY - GDCA will seek to be accountable for all its actions. This will be demonstrated in all its relationships with its stakeholders including state agencies, donors, partners, other CSOs and especially its beneficiaries.
TRANSPARENCY: GDCA will seek to show transparency in all its dealings. GDCA will seek to provide relevant information about its work and its conduct of business to its stakeholders including donors, partners, and especially its beneficiaries as far as the law, agreements and contracts will allow. We will continue to create platforms and other opportunities for stakeholders to have access to relevant information about GDCA.
NON-PARTISANSHIP - GDCA will stay politically neutral at all times. At the same time the organisation will seek to contain all shades of political diversity and in fact, use that as a strength. Partisan conduct of its Board, staff members and volunteers will be denounced. However, GDCA will confront partisan policies and opinions that seek to discriminate against sections of society, especially the vulnerable.
HONESTY AND INTEGRITY - One of the core values of GDCA is honesty. In this regard, all staff members, board members and volunteers will demonstrate the highest form of honesty and integrity in their work and in dealing with outsiders.
EQUITY AND EGALITARIANISM -Social, economic and political equality is the ultimate goal of GDCA. The first step in achieving social and economic equality is to ensure equity for the disadvantaged and Society. In this regard, the organization will seek to demonstrate its commitments to achieving social equality by providing level playing fields in all its engagements with those that it deals with.
NON-DISCRIMINATORY AND FAIRNESS - GDCA will treat all persons and entities based on merit and not unduly favour them irrespective of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, colour or other characteristics.
GENDER SENSITIVITY - GDCA will be guided in its work by the socially constructed disparities in roles and responsibilities between men and women, and boys and girls that impact negatively against the other gender. GDCA will work towards ensuring that these disparities are reduced.
ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CORRUPTION - GDCA will have zero tolerance for corruption. The organization will seek to prevent, investigate, disclose, and take appropriate action to make corruption unattractive to its members, agents and collaborators.
VOLUNTEERISM - GDCA will seek to reinforce the spirit of volunteerism among staff, board members and collaborators where people freely choose to help, thereby generating well-being for communities and society at large.